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ABNP0001 | Alabama Board of Nursing | www.abn.alabama.gov | LaDonna Marsh | | | | | 3342935200 |
ABNP0002 | Alabama State Nurses Association | www.alabamanurses.nursingnetwork.com | Laura Hart | | | | | 3342628321 |
ABNP0004 | Moffett & Sanders School of Nursing | www.samford.edu/nursing | Kimberly French | | | | | 2057264701 |
ABNP0006 | Alabama Hospital Association | www.alaha.org | Jean Ann Farshee | | | | | 3342728781 |
ABNP0008 | Licensed Practical Nurse Association of Alabama | paulbuford@att.net | Cynthia Buford LPN | | | | | 2052928403 |
ABNP0014 | Southeast Health | www.samc.org | Donna L Yost | | | | | 3347938736 |
ABNP0015 | DCH Regional Medical Center | www.dchsystem.com | Deborah Dorroh | | | | | 2053303322 |
ABNP0019 | Crestwood Medical Center | www.crestwoodmedcenter.com/Pages/home.aspx | Tracy Gossett, RN | | | | | 2564295042 |
ABNP0023 | Helen Keller Memorial Hospital | www.helenkeller.com | Heather Wilson | | | | | 2563864163 |
ABNP0024 | Athens-Limestone Hospital | athenslimestonehospital.com | Shirl Moyers | | | | | 2562339537 |
ABNP0029 | Decatur Morgan Hospital | www.decaturemorganhospital.net | Bryan Vest | | | | | 2569732772 |
ABNP0032 | USA Healthcare - Alabama LLC | www.usahealthcare.net | Sarah Brown Kent | | | | | 2567391239 |
ABNP0033 | Southeast Alabama EMS Council, Inc. | www.seaems.com | Sean Gibson | | | | | 3344791312 |
ABNP0035 | Wallace Community College - Dothan | www.wallace.edu | Joe Johnson | | | | | 3345562390 |
ABNP0038 | Children's Rehabilitation Service | www.rehab.alabama.gov | Petina Rankins, MSN, RN | | | | | 2052125922 |